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4 items matching your criteria.
- recent updates on a table? [1%] by srinukella, 2008-08-07 02:20
- hi... is there any way to see recent updates on a particular table?
- PUBLIC must not have IMPLICIT_SCHEMADATABASE authority [1%] by srinukella, 2008-07-16 06:16
- "PUBLIC must not have IMPLICIT_SCHEMADATABASE authority " what does this to check it?
- PUBLIC must not have IMPLICIT_SCHEMADATABASE authority [1%] by srinukella, 2008-07-16 06:16
- "PUBLIC must not have IMPLICIT_SCHEMADATABASE authority " what does this to check it?
- admin previliges [1%] by srinukella, 2008-07-03 08:27
- can we grant admin previliges to users?