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Clean up DB2 backup images from TSM

by Vinícius Perallis last modified 2009-05-22 16:48

This script deletes backup images from TSM. The numbers of backups to keep in TSM Server is given in a command line as parameter when the script is executed. . The backups from currently month are not deleted. Script Syntax: ./clean_backups_fromtape.ksh <database name> <number of backup images>

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File contents

# Check the database backup images on tape.
# Keep all database backup images for the current moth.
# Delete the backup images, keeping a defined number of backup for all others moths.
# Modification:
# Danilo:  Creation - March, 19 - 2009
. $HOME/sqllib/db2profile

# ---Variables---

# db name

# number of backup images to keep on Tape

# number os args.

# current date (year moth, example: 200905)
tDATE=$(date +'%Y%m')

# The first number of the current year ( example, 2009 - 2, 3012 - 3)
tYEAR=$(echo $tDATE |cut -c1)

# Temporary variable used to compare the backup timestamps

# Images to keep on tape:

if [[ $tNUMARGS -ne 2 ]] || [[ $tBKPNUMBER -eq 0 ]]; then
        echo "Usage: ./clean_backups_fromtape.ksh <parameter 1> <parameter 2>"
        echo "<parameter 1> - <db name>"
        echo "<parameter 2> - <Number of images to keep on Tape>. It needs to be different from zero."
        exit -2

# Saving the timestamps to create the db2adutl delete command.
db2adutl query db $tDBNAME full | awk ' { print $3 } ' | grep -i $tYEAR > tfTIMESTAMP.tmp

tREMOVE=$(grep -iv $tDATE tfTIMESTAMP.tmp)
echo $tREMOVE | tr ' ' '\n' > tfTIMESTAMP.tmp

# Saving the validate timestamps (ex.: 200905, 200904, 200812)
# Excluding the current moth from tfVALIDDATES.tmp list
cat tfTIMESTAMP.tmp | cut -c1-6 | uniq | grep -v $tDATE > tfVALIDDATES.tmp

echo "Images to keep on tape:"
while  read line
        tREMOVE=" "
        tKEEPFILE=$(cat tfTIMESTAMP.tmp | grep -i $line |head -$tBKPNUMBER)
        if [[ $(echo $tKEEPFILE | tr ' ' '\n'| wc -l) > 1 ]]; then
                echo $tKEEPFILE | tr ' ' '\n' > tfNUMKEEPFILE.tmp
                while read line1
                        echo $line1
                        tREMOVE=$(grep -v $line1 tfTIMESTAMP.tmp)
                        echo $tREMOVE | tr ' ' '\n' > tfTIMESTAMP.tmp
                done < tfNUMKEEPFILE.tmp
                echo $tKEEPFILE
                tREMOVE=$(grep -v $tKEEPFILE tfTIMESTAMP.tmp)
                echo $tREMOVE | tr ' ' '\n' > tfTIMESTAMP.tmp
done < tfVALIDDATES.tmp
awk ' $3=dbname {print "db2adutl delete full taken at " $1 " db " $3 "  without prompting;"} ' dbname=$tDBNAME  tfTIMESTAMP.tmp > backupstodelete.ksh

chmod 740 backupstodelete.ksh

echo " "
echo "backup images from the current moth will not be deleted"
echo "backupstodelete.ksh file has the commands to delete the backup images from tape."
echo " "

# Delete the temporary files

rm -f tfTIMESTAMP.tmp
rm -f tfVALIDDATES.tmp
rm -f tfNUMKEEPFILE.tmp
exit 0
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