Script to Check if Instance is running
# Check if Instance is running
# Do not modify anything below this line:
echo " $DB2INSTANCE" > ~/erro.out
# Get the hostname and set all letters to uppercase
HOSTNAME=$(hostname | /usr/bin/tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
EMAIL=$("<put your e-mail here>"
#Get the number of instances running in the server
NUM_PROC=$(ps -ef | grep $DB2INSTANCE | grep db2sysc | grep -v grep | wc -l)
if [[ $NUM_PROC -ne "1" ]]; then
echo "Instance down"
mail -s "DB2: Instance $DB2INSTANCE down on $HOSTNAME" $EMAIL < /dev/null
# trying to restart db2
NUM_PROC=$(ps -ef | grep $DB2INSTANCE | grep db2sysc | grep -v grep | wc -l)
if [[ $NUM_PROC -eq "1" ]]; then
mail -s "Instance $DB2INSTANCE restarted successfully on $HOSTNAME" $dft_email_id < /dev/null
exit 0