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Python Scripts to DB2

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Python Scripts to execute DB2 Tasks

Compress db2dia.log

Script to compress the db2diag.log

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Script Python to check log usage in DB2 Database V9

Script to check log usage in DB2 Database,this script is can be used transparently as a nagios plugin. Ex: python sample 80 90

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Script Python to check backups in DB2 Databases V9

Script to check if backups were executed in DB2 Database or not,this script is can be used transparently as a nagios plugin.

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Script Python to check if DB2 instance is running

Script to check if DB2 instance is running, this script is can be used transparently as a nagios plugin.

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Python Script to check inserts per second in DB2 Databases V9

Script to check the rate per second of inserts in db2 databases

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Script Python to check database connections

Script to check database connections in DB2 Database, this script is can be used transparently as a nagios plug

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Script Python to check locks waiting on DB2

Script to check locks waiting in DB2 Database,this script is can be used transparently as a nagios plugin. Ex: python sample user password 10 80 90

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