How to use db2move
import, export, load
The db2move can help us in several situations, such as:
- Move data between tables
- Move data between schema
- Move data between tablespaces
Databases Name:
db2move DB1 export -aw -l lobs -sn schema1
db2move DB2 import -io replace_create -l lobs
Example 2 - Move all data from tableA and tableB in schema1 from DB1 to database DB2
db2move DB1 export -aw -l lobs -tn schema1.tableA,schema1.tableB
db2move DB2 load -lo replace -l lobs
Don't forget to set integrity for tables in pending status after the load.
Example 3 -Move all data from tablespaceA in schema1 from DB1 to database DB2
db2move DB1 export -aw -l lobs -ts tablespaceA
db2move DB2 import -io replace_create -l lobs
The db2move doesn't create contraints, so if you need to create a table with its constraints use db2look to create FKs, PKs, etc