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How to set query optimization class

SET CURRENT QUERY OPTIMIZATION = n; SQL0101N The statement is too long or too complex.

When you get the error "SQL0101N The statement is too long or too complex" you can decrease the query optimization class.

Query optimization class

A query optimization class is a set of query rewrite rules and optimization techniques for compiling queries.

The primary query optimization classes are:

Restricted optimization. Useful when memory and processing resources are severely restrained. Roughly equivalent to the optimization provided by VersionĀ 1.
Slight optimization. Specifies a level of optimization higher than that of Version 1, but at significantly less optimization cost than levels 3 and above, especially for very complex queries.
Moderate optimization. Comes closest to matching the query optimization characteristics of DB2(R) for MVS(TM)/ESA.
Normal optimization. Recommended for a mixed environment using both simple transactions and complex queries.
Normal optimization. The same as query optimization 5 except that it does not reduce the amount of query optimization for complex dynamic queries.

Other query optimization classes, to be used only under special circumstances, are:

Minimal optimization. Use only when little or no optimization is required (that is, for very simple queries on well-indexed tables).
Maximum optimization. Uses substantial memory and processing resources. Use only if class 5 is insufficient (that is, for very complex and long-running queries that do not perform well at class 5).

In general, use a higher optimization class for static queries and for queries that you anticipate will take a long time to execute, and a lower optimization class for simple queries that are submitted dynamically or that are run only a few times.

To set the query optimization for dynamic SQL or XQuery statements, enter the following command in the command line processor:


where 'n' is the desired query optimization class.

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