How to update partitioned database cfg on DB2 v9.7
Starting with DB2 9.7 db2 update db cfg runs on ALL partitions, regardless the current node you are connected, except when DBPARTITIONNUM keyword is used.
The following example shows how to update LOGARCHMETH1 to use a different path on each partition:
db2pd -dbcfg -db sample -alldbp|grep "LOGARCHMETH1 (memory)"
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20000/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20000/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20000/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20000/
db2_all "\"echo ##;db2 update db cfg for sample DBPARTITIONNUM ## using LOGARCHMETH1 DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample
db2pd -dbcfg -db sample -alldbp|grep "LOGARCHMETH1 (memory)"
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20000/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20001/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20002/
LOGARCHMETH1 (memory) DISK:/db2/db2inst1/sample/archlog/db20003/