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How to check idle applications in your database

Steps to check the idle applications in your database

If you need to check how many time your applications are idle, you can perform the command:
db2 get snapshot for applications on <db_name> | grep -i idle


=> db2 get snapshot for applications on DB_SAMPLE | grep -i idle
Application idle time =
Application idle time = 7 minutes 36 seconds
Application idle time = 7 minutes 37 seconds
Application idle time =
Application idle time = 2 minutes 29 seconds
Application idle time =
Application idle time = 53 seconds
Application idle time = 22 seconds
Application idle time = 38 seconds
Application idle time = 1 minute 59 seconds

If the value of "Applicatiom idle time" is NULL, it means that the application is running at moment.

You can also get all applications handle in your system, how much time they are in idle state and their IP address from machine where they are connecting on database, using the command:

db2 get snapshot for applications on <db_name> | grep -E "handle|idle|Inbound"
=> db2 get snapshot for applications on DB_SAMPLE | grep -E "handle|idle|Inbound"

Application handle                         = 245
Application idle time                      =
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
Application handle                         = 247
Application idle time                      =
Inbound communication address              = 38489
Application handle                         = 224
Application idle time                      = 3 minutes 22 seconds
Inbound communication address              = 38487
Application handle                         = 207
Application idle time                      = 8 minutes 30 seconds
Inbound communication address              = 61636
Application handle                         = 184
Application idle time                      = 8 minutes 30 seconds
Inbound communication address              = 61576
Application handle                         = 212
Application idle time                      =
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
Application handle                         = 241
Application idle time                      = 3 minutes 5 seconds
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
Application handle                         = 193
Application idle time                      = 25 seconds
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
Application handle                         = 99
Application idle time                      = 41 seconds
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
Application handle                         = 8
Application idle time                      = 42 seconds
Inbound communication address              = *LOCAL.app01
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