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How to check and install db2 licenses

Checking and installing db2 licenses

Checking the licenses

Display all DB2 products with available licenses installed.

db2licm –l


Product Name                            = "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
Product Identifier                      = "DB2ESE"
Version Information                     = "8.2"
Expiry Date                             = "Permanent"
Registered Connect User Policy          = "Disabled"
Number Of Entitled Connect Users        = "5"
Enforcement Policy                      = "Soft Stop"
Number of processors                    = "1"
Number of licensed processors           = "1"
Database partitioning feature           = "Not entitled"
Annotation                              = ""
Other information                       = ""

Product Name                            = "DB2 High Availability Disaster
Recovery Option"
Product Identifier                      = "DB2HADR"
Version Information                     = "8.2"
Expiry Date                             = "Permanent"
Annotation                              = ""
Other information                       = ""

Product Name                            = "DB2 Advanced Security Option"
Product Identifier                      = "DB2ASO"
Version Information                     = "8.2"
Expiry Date                             = "Permanent"
Annotation                              = ""
Other information                       = ""

In this example you have three products installed on machine:
Product Name              = "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
Product Name             = "DB2 High Availability Disaster Recovery Option"
Product Name              = "DB2 Advanced Security Option"

Installing the license

Just installed DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE). Install the license file “db2ese.lic”

You can find this license on your machine executing the command below:

find / -name="db2ese.lic"

If your license is located in the ~/product/DB2/license/db2ese.lic direcory, you can install it using the following command

db2licm –a ~/product/DB2/license/db2ese.lic

And if you need:

Update the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) license policy to reflect registered and concurrent users.

db2licm –p db2se registered concurrent

Purchased additional 100 user licenses for DB2 ESE. Update the license policy accordingly.

db2licm – u db2se 100
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