How to acess DB2 using Python
To acess DB2 databases using python, you have to get the PyDB2 drive, you can get PyDb2 in the link below
With PyDB2 installed, we can start to connect to DB2 Databses using Python:
DB2 Interactive Example
Here is a simple example that illustrates an entire interaction with a DB2 database, from beginning to end:
>>> import DB2
>>> conn = DB2.connect(dsn='sample', uid='db2inst1', pwd='******')
>>> curs = conn.cursor()
>>> curs.execute('SELECT * FROM ORG')
>>> rows = curs.fetchall()
>>> rows
[('A00', 'SPIFFY COMPUTER SERVICE DIV.', '000010', 'A00', None),
('B01', 'PLANNING', '000020', 'A00', None),
('C01', 'INFORMATION CENTER', '000030', 'A00', None),
('D01', 'DEVELOPMENT CENTER', None, 'A00', None),
('D11', 'MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS', '000060', 'D01', None),
('D21', 'ADMINISTRATION SYSTEMS', '000070', 'D01', None),
('E01', 'SUPPORT SERVICES', '000050', 'A00', None),
('E11', 'OPERATIONS', '000090', 'E01', None),
('E21', 'SOFTWARE SUPPORT', '000100', 'E01', None),
('F22', 'BRANCH OFFICE F2', None, 'E01', None),
('G22', 'BRANCH OFFICE G2', None, 'E01', None),
('H22', 'BRANCH OFFICE H2', None, 'E01', None),
('I22', 'BRANCH OFFICE I2', None, 'E01', None),
('J22', 'BRANCH OFFICE J2', None, 'E01', None)]
>>> curs.close()
>>> conn.close()