Format snapshot for dynamic SQL
Format snapshot for dynamic SQL
####### ########
##### MAIN PROC ######
####### ########
# Check input
usage="\n Usage: $0 <DynamicSQL Snapshot File> "
example="\n Example: $0 ECCM_DYNSQL.snap \n"
if [[ $# < 1 ]]
echo "${usage}"
echo "${example}"
# Initialize Command line Variables
echo Processing File ${FILE} for Database ${DB}
awk 'BEGIN { FS="="
numexec = "Number of executions"
numcomp = "Number of compilations"
wrstprep = "Worst prep time"
bestprep = "Best prep time"
irowsd = "Internal rows deleted"
irowsi = "Internal rows inserted"
rowsr = "Rows read"
arowsr = "Average Rows read"
irowsu = "Internal rows updated"
rowsw = "Rows Written"
arowsw = "Average Rows Written"
sorts = "Statement Sorts"
asorts = "Average Statement Sorts"
sorto = "Statement Sort Overflows"
asorto = "Average Sort Overflows"
sortt = "Statement Sort Time"
asortt = "Average Sort Time"
bpdlr = "BP Data Logical Reads"
abpdlr = "Average BP Data Logical Reads"
bpdpr = "BP Data Physical Reads"
abpdpr = "Average BP Data Physical Reads"
bptdlr = "BP Temp Data Logical Reads"
abptdlr = "Average BP Temp Data Logical Reads"
bptdpr = "BP Temp Data Physical Reads"
abptdpr = "Average BP Temp Data Physical Reads"
bpilr = "BP Index Logical Reads"
abpilr = "Average BP Index Logical Reads"
bpipr = "BP Index Physical Reads"
abpipr = "Average BP Index Physical Reads"
bptilr = "BP Temp Index Logical Reads"
abptilr = "Average BP Temp Index Logical Reads"
bptipr = "BP Temp Index Physical Reads"
abptipr = "Average BP Temp Index Physical Reads"
xtime = "Total exec time"
atime = "Average exec time"
ucpu = "Total user cpu"
scpu = "Total system cpu"
text = "Text"
printf( "%s~", numexec )
printf( "%s~", numcomp )
printf( "%s~", wrstprep )
printf( "%s~", bestprep )
printf( "%s~", irowsd )
printf( "%s~", irowsi )
printf( "%s~", rowsr )
printf( "%s~", arowsr )
printf( "%s~", irowsu )
printf( "%s~", rowsw )
printf( "%s~", arowsw )
printf( "%s~", sorts )
printf( "%s~", asorts )
printf( "%s~", sorto )
printf( "%s~", asorto )
printf( "%s~", sortt )
printf( "%s~", asortt )
printf( "%s~", bpdlr )
printf( "%s~", abpdlr )
printf( "%s~", bpdpr )
printf( "%s~", abpdpr )
printf( "%s~", bptdlr )
printf( "%s~", abptdlr )
printf( "%s~", bptdpr )
printf( "%s~", abptdpr )
printf( "%s~", bpilr )
printf( "%s~", abpilr )
printf( "%s~", bpipr )
printf( "%s~", abpipr )
printf( "%s~", bptilr )
printf( "%s~", abptilr )
printf( "%s~", bptipr )
printf( "%s~", abptipr )
printf( "%s~", xtime )
printf( "%s~", atime )
printf( "%s~", ucpu )
printf( "%s~", scpu )
printf( "%s~", text )
printf( "\n" )
numexec = ""
numcomp = ""
wrstprep = ""
bestprep = ""
irowsd = ""
irowsi = ""
rowsr = ""
arowsr = ""
irowsu = ""
rowsw = ""
arowsw = ""
sorts = ""
asorts = ""
sorto = ""
asorto = ""
sortt = ""
asortt = ""
bpdlr = ""
abpdlr = ""
bpdpr = ""
abpdpr = ""
bptdlr = ""
abptdlr = ""
bptdpr = ""
abptdpr = ""
bpilr = ""
abpilr = ""
bpipr = ""
abpipr = ""
bptilr = ""
abptilr = ""
bptipr = ""
abptipr = ""
xtime = ""
atime = ""
ucpu = ""
scpu = ""
text = ""
} \
if($0 ~ /Number of executions/)
numexec = $2
if(numexec == 0)
div = 1
div = numexec
if($0 ~ /Number of compilations/)
numcomp = $2
if($0 ~ /Worst preparation time/)
wrstprep = $2
if($0 ~ /Best preparation time/)
bestprep = $2
if($0 ~ /Internal rows deleted/)
irowsd = $2
if($0 ~ /Internal rows inserted/)
irowsi = $2
if($0 ~ /Rows read/)
rowsr = $2
arowsr = rowsr/div
if($0 ~ /Internal rows updated/)
irowsu = $2
if($0 ~ /Rows written/)
rowsw = $2
arowsw = rowsw/div
if($0 ~ /Statement sorts/)
sorts = $2
asorts = sorts/div
if($0 ~ /Statement sort overflows/)
sorto = $2
asorto = sorts/div
if($0 ~ /Total sort time/)
sortt = $2
asortt = sorts/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool data logical reads/)
bpdlr = $2
abpdlr = bpdlr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool data physical reads/)
bpdpr = $2
abpdpr = bpdpr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool temporary data logical reads/)
bptdlr = $2
abptdlr = bptdpr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool temporary data physical reads/)
bptdpr = $2
abptdpr = bptdpr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool index logical reads/)
bpilr = $2
abpilr = bpilr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool index physical reads/)
bpipr = $2
abpipr = bpipr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool temporary index logical reads/)
bptilr = $2
abptilr = bptilr/div
if($0 ~ /Buffer pool temporary index physical reads/)
bptipr = $2
abptipr = bptipr/div
if($0 ~ /Total execution time/)
xtime = $2
atime = xtime/div
if($0 ~ /Total user cpu time/)
ucpu = $2
if($0 ~ /Total system cpu time/)
scpu = $2
if($0 ~ /Statement text/)
text = substr( $0, index($0, "=") +2 )
printf( "%s~", numexec )
printf( "%s~", numcomp )
printf( "%s~", wrstprep )
printf( "%s~", bestprep )
printf( "%s~", irowsd )
printf( "%s~", irowsi )
printf( "%s~", rowsr )
printf( "%s~", arowsr )
printf( "%s~", irowsu )
printf( "%s~", rowsw )
printf( "%s~", arowsw )
printf( "%s~", sorts )
printf( "%s~", asorts )
printf( "%s~", sorto )
printf( "%s~", asorto )
printf( "%s~", sortt )
printf( "%s~", asortt )
printf( "%s~", bpdlr )
printf( "%s~", abpdlr )
printf( "%s~", bpdpr )
printf( "%s~", abpdpr )
printf( "%s~", bptdlr )
printf( "%s~", abptdlr )
printf( "%s~", bptdpr )
printf( "%s~", abptdpr )
printf( "%s~", bpilr )
printf( "%s~", abpilr )
printf( "%s~", bpipr )
printf( "%s~", abpipr )
printf( "%s~", bptilr )
printf( "%s~", abptilr )
printf( "%s~", bptipr )
printf( "%s~", abptipr )
printf( "%s~", xtime )
printf( "%s~", atime )
printf( "%s~", ucpu )
printf( "%s~", scpu )
printf( "%s~", text )
printf( "\n" )
numexec = ""
numcomp = ""
wrstprep = ""
bestprep = ""
irowsd = ""
irowsi = ""
rowsr = ""
arowsr = ""
irowsu = ""
rowsw = ""
arowsw = ""
sorts = ""
asorts = ""
sorto = ""
asorto = ""
sortt = ""
asortt = ""
bpdlr = ""
abpdlr = ""
bpdpr = ""
abpdpr = ""
bptdlr = ""
abptdlr = ""
bptdpr = ""
abptdpr = ""
bpilr = ""
abpilr = ""
bpipr = ""
abpipr = ""
bptilr = ""
abptilr = ""
bptipr = ""
abptipr = ""
xtime = ""
atime = ""
ucpu = ""
scpu = ""
text = ""
}' ${FILE} > ${FILE}_DYNSQL_analysis.txt
echo "Look for ${FILE}_DYNSQL_analysis.txt"
chmod 755 ${FILE}_DYNSQL_analysis.txt