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Monitoring performance with SQL -Buffer pools

Here is a fairly straightforward example to show you the Bufferpool Hit Ratios
for all your buffer pools.

The example uses the view SYSIBMADM.BP_HITRATIO

db2 "select substr(bp_name,1,30) as bp_name ,data_hit_ratio_percent, \
index_hit_ratio_percent ,total_hit_ratio_percent \
from sysibmadm.bp_hitratio where bp_name not like 'IBMSYSTEM%'"

IBMDEFAULTBP        71.11                     51.35                    70.88
CLPBUFFL            61.84                     0.00                     60.99
CLPBUFFS            -12.22                    13.33                   -12.17

If Physical Read count is Greater than Logical Read Count ratio is negative

The BP_HITRATIO administrative view returns bufferpool hit ratios,
including total hit ratio, data hit ratio, XDA hit ratio and index hit
ratio, for all bufferpools and all database partitions in the the
currently connected database

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