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How to find the catalog database partition number

catalog database partition number

On the server, issue the following command:

db2 list db directory

The command above list all databases cataloged on server.

The output can be something like:

System Database Directory

 Number of entries in the directory = 2

Database 1 entry:

 Database alias                       = Sample
 Database name                        = Sample
 Node name                            = Server
 Database release level               = a.00
 Comment                              =
 Directory entry type                 = Remote
 Catalog database partition number    = -1
 Alternate server hostname            =
 Alternate server port number         =

Database 2 entry:

 Database alias                       = Sample1
 Database name                        =  Sample1
 Local database directory             = /db/server1
 Database release level               = a.00
 Comment                              =
 Directory entry type                 = Indirect
 Catalog database partition number    = 10
 Alternate server hostname            =
 Alternate server port number         =


On the sample database the Catalog database partition number is in the other server. So, the number -1 means that the database is catalogued in the another server.

On the sample1 database the Catalog database partition number is 10.

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