Getting error while loading
Up to DB2Getting error while loading
Posted by abcd at June 07. 2009Hi,
I am facing one issue in my database . Can any one try to resolve this issue or even suggessions are welcome.
On one of the table in db2 a load operation was performed by Datastage tool.If a load is using formal load process we can able to terminate or restart the load based on the load type.
so here the situation is load was did using Datastage ,and load was fail ,hence that table is in Load pending state and Check intigrity state both at a same time.
so how to get that state of that table in to normal so that i can access the table.using datastage tool i can't identify the load job which was run against the table.
so help me in this how can i resolve this situation ..i tried to export that table in to IXF ..but hit the below error.
SQL3015N An SQL error "-668" occurred during processing.